News & Events

Message from the Hon. Minister Cllr. Cooper W. Kruah

Officials of Government here present, The Team Lead of Meta (Formerly Facebook), Members of Civil Society Organizations, Member of the Press, Ladies, and gentlemen.

Let me thank the organizers of this event- the Monrovia Technology Summit for the valuable time they put into organizing such an important event; especially, with the theme: future of the Internet in Liberia. I like to say the theme suits the activity of the week as there will be a panel discussion which will held by the internet Governance Forum (IGF). I take this as a genuine opportunity to speak during this important event with the Theme: The future of Internet in Liberia. 

Over the years, Liberia has been engaged with international partners, Civil Society Organizations, and the private sector in establishing a framework that enhances inclusivity in information sharing to engender social-economic development.  To achieve this path, the internet has played a pivotal role in helping us reach this major milestone. 

The Internet is changing and redefining every aspect of the lives of people, Organizations, and Countries of which Liberia is no exception. It provides unprecedented opportunities for people to freely communicate with ease and enable socio-economic development.

In consideration of your theme, Future of the internet in Liberia , let me proudly say that Liberia as a signatory to the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights see the free use of the internet as a fundamental  right every Liberian/ every person to enjoy without interference. To ensure that this is achieved, several legal instruments including Personal Data Protection Act for people using the internet are work-in process and will by close of this year be submitted to the President of the Republic of Liberia for onward submission of the National Legislature for Passage into Law.

We believe that the internet is the backbone of the global economy by so doing we endeavor to ensure the protection of using the Internet. We also hold the belief that it enhances Socio-economic development and therefore, the free use of the internet is not an option but is a fundamental right that every person within our borders will be entitled to. As part of our commitment to ensuring vibrant connectivity, As enshrined in the National ICT policy, LTA is working with MNOs and other internet service providers to  expand ICT infrastructure nationwide for the provision of quality internet services to both the served and unserved communities.   

The Ministry of Post and Telecommunications is also working with all stakeholder including Civil Society Organizations such as Internet Governance Forum to carry out continuous awareness of the usage of the internet. 

To effectively achieve this, we are ensuring that there is an enabling environment and sufficient backbone infrastructure for the commercial deployment of ICT services. Again, we are glad to say that this is being pursuit by the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications and the Regulatory Authorities of Liberia.

Finally, I want to thank you for hosting this important workshop which is geared toward enhancing our awareness of usage of the internet for better future.


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